Restorative Yoga With Props for Women’s Health

This 35-minute restorative yoga with props class is specifically for those who identify as female. We'll relax and restore our bodies and minds through a sequence of restorative yoga poses meant to support women's health.

These restorative yoga postures support a smooth flow of energy in the sacral chakra and womb area. If you're currently menstruating, please skip Supported Upward-Facing Forward Bend and Legs Up The Wall until after your flow is finished.

You'll need three blankets, two blocks, a bolster and an open wall space for this free yoga class on YouTube.


Restorative Yoga Class Sequence

  • Supported Reclining Bound Angle

  • Supported Upward-Facing Forward Bend

  • Legs Up The Wall (hips elevated on bolster)

  • Supported Child's Pose

  • Stonehenge

Restorative Yoga Props I Use

Use my code CAREN at for 15% off your entire order. Props listed below:

Disclosure: I use affiliate links for my favorite products. If you click and purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.


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